To the Mama who lost your baby: you did the best you could.

I don’t know who needs to hear this in this moment but…You did the best you could.

Nobody can prepare you for what to expect when you lose your baby…it’s time to forgive yourself for what you didn’t know. 🥹

We can’t count the times that Moms look back on their loss & wish they did something differently…whether they wished they advocated for themselves, wish they did something other than flush but didn’t know what that other thing could be, wish they kept a memento, etc..


The #lossmamacommunity needs an extra dose of self compassion…and we’re here to help deliver some!

How?! We are hosting FREE monthly Virtual “Mini Retreats” focused on Cultivating Self Compassion towards ourselves & our loss stories.

If you’d like to join our next one you can enroll under the Events tab here on our website. 😘👼🏼

#miscarriagequotes #miscarriageawareness #miscarriageismotherhood #miscarriagesupport #missedmiscarriage #ectopicpregnancy #chemicalpregnancy #ihadamiscarriage #pregnancylossjourney #miscarriagejourney #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #lossmama #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagetattoo #miscarriagesurvivor #miscarriagematters #miscarriagequotes #miscarriagerecovery #miscarriagesucks #miscarriagecourse #miscarriagemomma #miscarriagepodcast


Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day: My Reflections.